
关于这款游戏About the games

你会为了应许的荣光而战胜哪些可憎之物呢?在这个阴森可怖、风格复古的动作角色扮演游戏中,头颅真的会滚落在地。在残酷而重技巧的战斗中,只有强者能击败恐怖的怪物,幸存下来。 What abominations will you conquer for the glory of the promise? In this gruesome, retro action role-playing games, heads literally tumble to the ground. In a brutal and highly skilled battle, only the strong can defeat terrifying monsters and survive.

应用多种多样的杀器,提升自身技能,再拿令人闻风丧胆的魁梧首领试试胆。探索笼罩在黑暗与疯狂中的洛夫克拉夫特式扭曲世界。Use a variety of killing weapons to improve your skills, and then try your luck with the burly leader who makes people tremble with fear. Explore a distorted world of Lovecraft shrouded in darkness and madness.

定制角色形象、技能、数值、以及武器等,获得独家战斗体验。荣光与财富等着胆识过人的喋血英雄。Customize character images, skills, values, and weapons to get an exclusive combat experience. Glory and riches await the bold and daring hero of the slaughter.


  • 随心应用多种多样的杀器,包括鞭子、宝剑、斧子、匕首、弓箭、法杖等等。不同武器数值各异,来寻找最顺手的杀敌武器吧!Feel free to use a wide variety of killing tools, including whips, swords, axes, daggers, bows and arrows, staffs and so on. Different weapons have different values. Find the most convenient weapon to kill the enemy!
  • 类银河战士恶魔城式探险令人满足,洛夫克拉夫特式怪物十足惊悚,而在这里,两者相互融合。这是个精细的手绘像素风世界,有着壮丽哥特美学以及人工关卡设计。The Metroid-like Castlevania adventure is gratifying, the Lovecraft monster is terrifying, and here the two merge. It’s an elaborate, hand-painted pixel-style world with a magnificent gothic aesthetic and artificial level design.
  • 从角色形象、技能、数值,到武器,定制游玩体验,让它最符合你游玩类似角色扮演游戏的风格。From character images, skills, values, to weapons, customize the play experience to make it best fit your style of playing similar role-playing games.
  • 通过探险和击败敌人收集战利品,然后通过制作升级武器。Collect loot by exploring and defeating enemies, then upgrade weapons by crafting.
  • 游历这片危机四伏的大陆的各个角落,包括令人向往的商人村落、森林、神殿囚牢、浮岛、受诅咒的大教堂,以及地狱般的埃德兰。Explore the many corners of this perilous continent, including desirable merchant villages, forests, temple prisons, floating islands, cursed cathedrals, and hellish Edland.
  • 超过60种不同类型的敌人和十几个首领,等你来享受杀戮快感。More than 60 different types of enemies and a dozen leaders are waiting for you to enjoy the killing pleasure.
  • 收集遗失的信和之前踏足这片大陆的可怜人的其他往通信往来,深入了解控制这片阴森大陆的黑暗力量。
    Collect the lost letters and other correspondence of the poor people who set foot on this continent before, and learn more about the dark forces that control this gloomy continent.

成人内容描述Adult Content Description

开发者对内容描述如下:The developer describes the content as follows:

